Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Explosive that we used in Well Perforation Job || Petroleum Engineering

Explosive & Perforation

we used different types of explosive in well perforating job. Explosive are used to create impact on casing , cementing and reservoir. So that we can make suitable  hole & connection from reservoir to well-bore. And with the help of this hole formation fluid pass from reservoir to well bore sites.

We used mainly two types of explosive and these are - 1. Low explosive and 2. High explosive

Types of explosive we used

we used two types of explosive and these are 
  1. Low Explosive 
  2. High Explosive

1. Low Explosive

Here velocity is 500-1500 meter per second for example - Gun powder is an example of low explosives. Generally not used in perforation. We used low explosive in side well coring operation. Low explosives is mainly used for collecting rock sample from reservoir. 

2. High Explosives

Velocity of high explosive is from 3000 to 10,000 metre per second. First high explosive discovered in 1846. High explosive can be Uncontrolled high explosive and control high explosive. 

Chemical explosives material having at extremely high reaction rate that create very high combustion pressure, unlike low explosive that have much lower  reaction rate and are furthered categorized as -

  • Primary High Explosive
  • Secondary High Explosive

Primary High explosives are very sensitive can be detonated very easily and are generally used only in precaution and electrical detonators. Secondary High Explosives are less sensitive and require a high energy are less sensitive and require a high energy shoke wave to achieve detonation and are also suffer handle. Secondary High explosives are used in almost all elements of bullistics chain, other than the detonation, such as detonating cord and shape charge. 

High Explosive Classification 

We can classify high explosive into two categories. These are prime high explosive and secondary high explosive.

1. Primary High Explosive

It is generally high density compounds of metals and nitrogen, that instantaneous detonate when subjected to energy ( High Explosive )

    These lead azide is most common commonly used in Oil Industry, advantage is:- High Resistant to temp ( up to 600 degree F )

Some example of primary high explosive are -  Lead Azide  and Styfnate. 

2. Secondary High Explosive

Not very sensitive at all. So we carry it.

 Explosive  Chemical Formula Density Velocity (ft/second) Pressure (PSI)
 RDX C3H6N6O6 1.8g/cc 28700 ft/second 5 * 10^6 PSI 
 HMX C4H8N8O8 1.9g/cc 30000 ft/second 5.7* 10^6 PSI 
 HNS C4H6N6O12 1.74 g/cc 24300 ft/second 3.5 * 10 ^6 PSI
 PYX C17H7N11016 1.77 g/cc 24900 ft/second 3.7 * 10^6 PSI

Full form of some secondary high explosives

  1. RDX = Royal Demolition Explosive 
  2. HMX = High Melting Explosive
  3. HNS = Hexa Niteo Stibene

We use both primary high explosive and secondary high explosive. We mixed them and with the help primary high explosive and secondary high explosive,  we do well perforation job.

Primary high explosive acts as a Ignition of secondary high explosive. We burn or burst secondary high explosive with  primary high explosive. Because primary high explosive is very sensitive, and we can burst them easily with very less energy.

We can try to give more information in future articles.

Notes:- We collect this information from various university notes and various E&P Company websites.

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