Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Element and Characteristics found Petroleum Reservoir

Petroleum Reservoir

We found some common characteristics and element in petroleum reservoirs. A petroleum reservoir must be satisfied these character to become reservoir. In this articles we will discuss these character and elements. 

Elements and character that found in petroleum reservoir are -
  1. First we have to search for the sedimentary basin.
  2. Trap
  3. Reservoir Rock 
  4. Cap Rock 
  5. Source Rock.
We will discuss each petroleum reservoir elements briefly one by one.  So lets discuss these elements.

1. Sedimentary Basin

Sedimentary basin are generally generation of sediment or deposited place. These are the geologically deposited are of earth where unmetamorphous sediment are deposited where thickness of the sediment highest in center and decrease in edges. 

        Worldwide around 670 sedimentary basin are available.

2. Trap

Favorable structure in sedimentary basin for the accumulation of hydro-carbon  and water. these where hydro carbon is accumulated  called reservoir, where H-C is accumulated called reservoir, where water is accumulated called aquifer.
  • Structural Trap
  • Strati graphic Trap
  • Combination Trap

a. Structural Trap

These type of trap are formed by after the deposition or formation of rock due to tectonic activity.

b. Stratigraphy Trap

Formed at the time of deposition of rock or formed after deposition by erosion of rock. Example of this trap are undulation  and unconfornity.

c. Combination Trap

Combination of both structural and stratigraphy types of trap.

Main function of this are includes 1. Trap the crude fluid (resist the fluid to flow)

3. Reservoir Rock

Reservoir must be highly porous and high permeability. It must have highly porous and permeability to become reservoir rocks and we extract petroleum from reservoir rocks. Petroleum Accumulation at very high pressure and temperature condition. Example - Sand Stone and Lime Stone.

It is made up of basically sedimentary rock, Clay rock, and some time igneous rock.

4. Cap Rock

Cap Rock hold petroleum and resist petroleum from mitigation. It is nothing but the top seal of the trap. It resist the upper movement of  hydro carbon.

It is made up of basically sedimentary rock, clay rock, and some time igneous rock.

5. Source Rock

Hydrocarbon generate by source rock. It is a type of organic rock which have enough capacity to generate hydrocarbon.

Shale, Lime stones are an example of source rock. Shale are the common source rock found in all over the world. From source rock petroleum moves to the reservoir trap after generation because of pressure and temperature.

Shale Source Rock 

Gas generate source rock and store is itself. Porosity and permeability low. In case of shale gas petroleum not store in pores of rock and accumulated at the surface of source rock by adsorption method. Shale acts like a imphrous rock, cap rock also.

In case of CBM and unconventional reservoir this shale acts like a source rock as well as reservoir.

Notes:- This Data of this articles is collected from different university notes and different e&p companies websites. Our main purpose is only benefit of students.

Article Written &  Composed by:-

Ritu Raj Medhi
Founder & President
Chief Technical & Editorial Officers
Petroleumbuddy Initiative and Websites 

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