Monday, June 29, 2020

Introduction of Gas Lift || Petroleum Engineering

Introduction of Gas Lift

Gas Lift System

Gas lift is one method of artificial lift. For gas lift, gas is injected continuously or intermittently at selected locations, resulting in a reduction in the natural flowing gradient of the reservoir fluid, and thus reducing the hydro static component of the pressure difference from the bottom to the top of the well. The purpose is to bring the fluids to the top at a desirable wellhead pressure while keeping the bottom hole pressure at a value that is small enough to provide good driving force in the reservoir. The pressure drawdown must not violate restrictions for sand control and water or gas coning.

Two other considerations must enter the design. First, large amounts of gas injected into the well will affect the separation facilities at the top. Second, there exists a limit gas-liquid ratio (GLR) above which the pressure difference in the well will begin to increase because the reduction in the hydrostatic pressure will be offset by the increase in the friction pressure.

The positioning of the gas lift valves and their number is a matter of wellbore hydraulics optimization. For continuous gas lift, an “operating valve” will be used to inject the appropriate amount of gas at the desirable tubing pressure at the injection point. Other valves may be placed below the injection point and may be put into service during the life of the well as the reservoir pressure declines or if the water-oil ratio increases.

For  intermittent gas lift, both a single injection point and multiple injection points can be employed. First a liquid slug must be built in the tubing above the bottom valve. Then, the valve opens, displacing the liquid slug upwards. The valve remain open until the slug reaches the top, and then the valve closes. It reopens when a new liquid slug builds in the bottom of the well.

For multiple injection points, the bottom valve opens as described for the single injection point operation, but as the liquid slug moves upward, valves below the slug open. The valves close after the slug reaches the top. The actuation of the valves for intermittent gas lift can be done with a timing device or can depend on the pressure.

Valves can open and close based on the value of the casing or the tubing pressure. Other valves may be operated on the basis of the fluid level. 

Notes:- Data  is collect from different university notebook and main purpose of this articles is to help peoples.

Article Written by

Raktim Ranjan Borah 
Vice-President & Event Organizer
Petroleumbuddy websites & initiatives

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