Friday, July 31, 2020

Online Quiz 3.0 ( Petroleum Reservoir & Reservoir Fluids)

Online Quiz 3.0 organize by petroleumbuddy (A student initiative)

Title - Online Quiz 3.0

Event ID- petrobuddy/0008/021/2020

Quiz Theme - Petroleum Reservoir and Reservoirs Fluids 

Quiz Presenter/ Master -   Dr Vishwanath. Banerjie
                                          Former Executive Director, ONGC
                                          35 years experience in Upstream Petroleum Industry

About Online Quiz 3.0

Online Quiz 3.0 is the third event organized by petroleumbuddy (a Student Initiative). Subject and theme of the quiz - Petroleum Reservoir and Reservoir fluids

No registration fees will be required. Certificate of participation will be sent to all participants to their registered email. Certificate of excellence will be sent to the participant who scores 70 % and above. Certificate of achievement will be sent to the top 3 participants of the quiz with cash Prize. If you face any problem regarding Quiz then kindly contact our event organizers Ritu Raj Medhi, Roshan Khatoon and Raktim Ranjan Borah. Top 3 participants will receive cash prize only via Phonepay or Google pay.

We host this quiz on google form & other widgets during the prescribed time.

Quiz Cash Prize

1st Prize -   400 Rupees
2nd Prize -  300 Rupees
3rd Prize  -  200 Rupees

How to registered yourself successfully?

1. First, scroll down in the blog, and find the registration form here. Please fill in all required details. 

2. After submitting the registration form please join our Whatsapp Group.

3. After joining this group you will get all the required information and Quiz link directly. 

4. You will also get a quiz link via email. but joining  WhatsApp group is mandatory 

5. You must follow our Instagram and Linkedin profile to complete your registration process.

How to procure Certificates & Prize?

1. Participation certificate will be provided to all participant. Certificate of excellence will be provided to those, who score 70 per cent and above.

2. Certificate of Achievement will be provided to the Top 3 Participants of this quiz along with cash prizes.  

3. To procure the certificate, you must submit link feedback form whose link will be sent to your registered email.

4. Top 3 Participant's with score &  name will be declared on our website and Various Social Media platform  The prize money will be sent via phone pay or google-pay.

5. It will take 3-7 working days to distribute certificate and prize. 

6. In case of non received of certificate or prize money within 7 days contact us through our email id, Instagram or LinkedIn.

Quiz Date & Time

Date -  06/08/2020
Time-   10.00 AM to 1.00 PM (Indian Standard Time)

Quiz Hosting platform & Details:-

1. We will host quiz on,  with the help of google form.  You will be able to access timify platform quiz link between (10.00 AM to 1.00 PM), 06/08/2020.

2. Quiz Duration - 30 minutes for each participant, you can enter the quiz anytime between (10.00 AM -1.00 PM). But you must complete the quiz within 30 minutes after your entry.

3. Please Press Submit Button before 30 minutes. If you won't press the submit button before 30 minutes, Your response will not be recorded. 

3. Quiz participant will get only one attempt to solve this. 

Quiz Rules & Regulations

1. Participant must submit his/her details (College Name, Contact No, Mail Id etc) correctly.
2. Participant must submit the quiz within the mentioned time. 
3. Each question will carry 3.33 marks.
4. There will be no negative marks.
5. Every question has only one correct answer. No marks will we awarded for taking more than one choice. 
6. Results will be declared within 3-7 working days.
7. In the case of Tie, we will divide the prize money among rank holder according to their rank
8. Only the first attempt will be considered.
9. Organizing Committee's decision will be final. You can contact us officially at
10. Participants must submit their answer before 30 Minutes Because after 30 minutes quiz will be automatically closed. 

Organizer Teams

1. Ritu Raj Medhi 
    Founder & President 
    Petroleumbuddy( A Student Initiative)
    Email - 

2. Roshan Khatoon
    Co-Founder & Vice President  
    Petroleumbuddy(A Student Initiative)
    Contact No- +91 73399184779

3. Raktim Ranjan Borah
    Petroleumbuddy( A Student Initiative)
    Contact No - +91 8134933059

About Petroleumbuddy (a student initiative)

Hi!  Welcome to our site. This site is owned by Petroleumbuddy ( A Student Initiative). We designed online petroleum buddy in order to provide updated knowledge on petroleum engineering and exposure to Oil & Gas industry practices.

Petroleum Buddy is an initiative of a few students of the Petroleum Engineering Department, Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering and Technology(DUIET) . It was founded in the month of June 2020 by a team of student-lead by Ritu Raj Medhi. Our main objective is to publish technical and non-technical articles on various branches of Petroleum Industry such as Drilling, Production, Reservoir, Geology, Petrochemical etc on our official website. Moreover, we aim to organize Quiz, Seminar, Webinar, Workshop on various topic related to Oil & Gas Industry.

We are continually working towards excellence by updating our website with the latest information, news, articles, courses, research paper etc to aid students, professionals and organizations to achieve their full potential.

Our core committee

Founder and President- Mr Ritu Raj Medhi

Co-founder and Vice-president-Ms. Roshan Khatoon

Secretrary  - Mr Raktim Ranjan Borah

Registration Forms Online Quiz 3.0 (Only 250 Seats Available )

Closed !!!!

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