Tuesday, August 18, 2020

PetroleumBuddy & PetroTalent present Online IADC accreditation internship about "Drilling and Well Control"

Petroleumbuddy along with collaboration with PetroTalent Institute of Petroleum technology is going to organize a 1 weeks training on the most valuable topic for all oil and gas people, that is "Drilling and Well Control". 

Internship Subject -  Drilling & Well Control 

You will get an IADC accreditation internship certificate from Petrotalent Institute of Petroleum and Technology

Event ID- petrobuddy/0032/023/2020

Trainer -  Mr Sharad Agarwal 
               IWCF & IADC Well Control and Safety Instructor 

Training Provider- PetroTalent Institute of Petroleum Technology
                             (IADC & IWCF accreditation Training Institute)
                              Pune, Maharastra - India 

Training Date: -   25 August 2020 to 30 August 2020
Training Time:-   7 pm to 9 pm (Indian standard time)
Last date of registration - 24 August 2020

Course Fees & Payment details:-

Course fees - Rs 800 only

Payment Details:-  

GooglePay - 8638165006

       Or Scan QR code


Net Banking / Bank Transfer - 

Account No - 20326883792
Account Holder - Ritu Raj Medhi
IFSC Code - SBIN0000078
Branch - Panbazar, India 
Bank Name- State Bank of India 

About "Drilling & Well Control" training:-

Rig safety and drilling well control training is organized by petroleumbuddy(a student initiative)

Training and IADC accreditation certificate of completion will provide by PetroTalent institute of petroleum technology(IADC approved institute)

After training, petroleumbuddy will organize a quiz. And the top 3 trainees will be awarded. 

How to register yourself successfully?

1. First, scroll down in the blog, and find the registration form here. Please fill in all required details. 

2. Pay 800 Rs for confirming your seat at above mention details.

3. After payment please take a screenshot and send it to our official mail - petroleumbuddy@gmail.com or WhatsApp number- 6900947863

4. Congratulations you register yourself successfully.

Training Platform - Zoom

Registration Form

( First come First serve basic, register hurry and grab the opportunity)

Training Rules & Regulation:-

Students that don’t follow these guidelines can be removed from the Zoom meeting if necessary.

1. This is our virtual classroom. Appropriate classroom behaviour is expected. 
2. Log into your meeting from a distraction-free, quiet environment.
3. Please keep your audio on mute until you want to speak. This will help to limit background noise.
If you would like to speak or answer a question, use the “Raise Hand”    feature. Then unmute yourself after you are called on.
4. If you would like to use the chatbox, remember that it is public and a record of the chat is kept and archived.   
5. Have paper, pen or pencil handy to take notes and do calculations. 
6. Make sure your video is ON so we, can see your happy face.  
7. Be on time.
8. There will be surprise question and answer session or surprise oral exam. 
9. Use your real name while filling login details.

About Trainer:-

Mr Sharad Agrawal has 13 years of drilling operational and training experience. He is an IWCF & IADC approved Instructor. He did Masters in petroleum engineering (Gold Medalist). He has previously worked transocean, John Energy and Deep Industries etc. 


1. Ritu Raj Medhi 
    Founder & President 
    Petroleumbuddy( A Student Initiative)
    Email - riturajmedhi132138@gmail.com 

2. Roshan Khatoon
    Co-Founder & Vice President  
    Petroleumbuddy(A Student Initiative)
    Contact No- +91 73399184779

3. Raktim Ranjan Borah
    Petroleumbuddy( A Student Initiative)

4. Bhaskarjyoti Khanikar 
    Editor & Communication Head
    PetroleumBuddy (A student initiative)
    Contact Number - +91 6001240165

And petroleumbuddy( a student initiative team)

About PetroTalent Institute of Petroleum Technology:- 

"Fuel your Talent". We at PetroTalent, offer students the opportunity to become a part of the Oil & Gas Industry. We are the bridge that connects an academic student to a professional and skilled technical hand. We provide petroleum technology knowledge to students from different backgrounds and transform them into industry professionals with hybrid talent. On the cutting edge of technology, it is essential for every individual to keep himself updated and enriched with the latest knowledge of challenges and developments taking place in the industry. In order to achieve these objectives and provide technically trained and competent manpower for the drilling and production sector of the petroleum industry, we the team of expertise including G&G, drilling, reservoir, logging and production are working hard for the last couple of years. We have designed training modules according to the requirement of the industry.

About Petroleumbduddy (A student initiative):-

Hi!  Welcome to our site. This site is owned by Petroleumbuddy ( A Student Initiative). We designed online petroleum buddy in order to provide updated knowledge on petroleum engineering and exposure to Oil & Gas industry practices.

Petroleum Buddy is an initiative of a few students of the Petroleum Engineering department, Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering and Technology(DUIET). It was founded in the month of June 2020 by a team of student-lead by Ritu Raj Medhi. Our main objective is to publish technical and non-technical articles on various branches of Petroleum Industry such as Drilling, Production, Reservoir, Geology, Petrochemical etc on our official website. Moreover, we aim to organize Quiz, Seminar, Webinar, Workshop on various topic related to Oil & Gas Industry.

We are continually working towards excellence by updating our website with the the latest information, news, articles, courses, research paper etc to aid students, professionals and organizations to achieve their full potential.


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