Thursday, June 25, 2020

Basic Classification of Crude oil || Petroleum Engineering

Crude oil classification 

Crude oil is a naturally occurring complex mixture of hydrocarbon. Crude Oil API gravity generally ranges 7-52, In terms of densities 970 Kg per meter cube to 750 Kg per meter cube. But most of then fully equating ( 22 - 45 API ). Low to Heavy Crude oil, High API gravity fluid really have high market value.

Based On API  

 Light Crude Oil    Greater than 31.1 API   
 Medium Crude Oil                22.3 - 31.1 API
 Heavy Crude Oil        Less than 22.3 API

Based on Location Specific/ Country area 

1.West Texas Intermediate 

OPEC Reference Basket. It is found in Texas and Mexico. Its API gravity 39.6, and the sulfur content  is 0.24. So it is a sweet crude.

2. Brent Blend

Largest and Major classification. Its comes from 15 Various oil field in North Sea. API gravity is 38.3 and the sulfur content is 0.37

3. Russian Export Black

OPEC Third reference. It is a medium and sour crude oil. API gravity is 32 approximately and sulfur content is 1.2 percent.

This are the most demanding crude oil in the world.
Dubai Crude, are also famous location specific crude oil

Notes:- This Data is collect from different university notebooks and Different books. Article is useful for industry person and  students

Article Written By-

Ritu Raj Medhi
Founder & President 
Chief Technical & Editorial Officers 
Petroleumbuddy websites and initiatives

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