Friday, June 26, 2020

High Sophisticated Measuring instrument for improving Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) || Petroleum Engineering


As demand of oil continue to rise all across the world, the traditional primary and secondary extraction methods are no longer productive in producing oil. To extract these oils, EOR techniques aims to improve oil mobility through lowering interfacial

tension, lowering oil viscosity and reducing wettability of oil on reservoir surfaces . Understanding how EOR approaches alter interfacial tension and wettability is important, and these properties are heavily dependent on temperature and pressure . It is crucial to have the ability to measure these properties at temperatures and pressures relevant to reservoir conditions.

With the Attension Theta Flex High Pressure Chamber, contact angle and interfacial tension measurements are made easy and intuitive right in the lab. With market-leading sample sizes, automatic pressurization capability, unique chamber design, easy sample loading and cleaning, the Attension Theta Flex High Pressure will advance EOR research.

The Attension Theta High Pressure is a tensiometer for measuring wettability and interfacial tension at high pressures and high temperatures within enhanced oil recovery research. With the harsh conditions of an oil reservoir in mind, the instrument is designed to ensure ease of use and yet offer wide measurement possibilities. Attension Theta High-Pressure Unique Piston functions are:-

  1. Measure surfactants or corrosive liquids.
  2. Increase pressure without adding fluid into the measurement cell.
  3. Enables constant surfactant concentration over different pressures.
  4. Smart design to avoid pump corrosion from brine and other corrosive bulk solutions.
  5. Sample Port for easy introduction and cleaning.
  6. Automatic Pump Option.

Notes:- Data is collected from different university notes, E&P company references  and author experiences. Main purpose of this article to help students and industry related peoples.

Article Written by -

Bhaskarjyoti Khanikar
Guest Writter
Dibrugarh University

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